Refill Universities

Getting involved in Refill is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce plastic at your University. We believe that working with universities offers a huge opportunity to build positive change with institutions, individuals and communities. We have created a Universities Guide, thanks to the funding from Welsh Government. This is for anyone who would like to reduce single-use plastic at their university, whether you are a student, academic staff, or involved in the university estate’s running.

Meet the Universities joining the Refill Revolution

The Refill Campus Award

The Refill Campus Award

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Refill Campus Award, supporting universities to tackle single-use plastic pollution.

Glyndwr University Case Study

Glyndwr University Case Study

Find out how Glyndwr University are joining the Refill revolution and eliminating single-use plastic with their Green Glyndwr campaign.

London School of Economics Case Study

London School of Economics Case Study

LSE Director Minouche Shafik launched Plastic Free LSE in 2018 to reduce single-use plastic on campus. The LSE Sustainability team tell us more about their approach and some of the successes of the campaign.

Cardiff Metropolitan University case study

Cardiff Metropolitan University case study

The Sustainability Team at Cardiff Metropolitan are award winning for their work in reducing single use plastic at the university. Find out all about their amazing work!

Cardiff University Case Study

Cardiff University Case Study

Refill Cardiff is one of our most active Refill Schemes in Wales. Find out how they started and what makes them so successful.

Download the Universities How to Guide

Everything your University needs to know about getting involved with the Refill campaign.
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