YMGYRCH AIL-LENWI CYMRU YN EHANGU YNG NGHAERDYDD  View this page in English Rydym yn falch i allu cyhoeddi bod City To Sea wedi derbyn £49,999 gan Gynllun Cymunedau y Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi (LDTCS), i helpu cwtogi llygredd plastig yng Nghaerdydd. Bydd y cyllid, a...
Refill Wales expansion in cardiff

Refill Wales expansion in cardiff

Refill Wales expansion in Cardiff View this page in Welsh Connecting people to places to eat, drink and shop with less plastic We are excited to announce that City To Sea has been awarded £49,999 from the Landfill Disposals Tax Community Scheme (LDTCS) to help cut...
Working Towards A Plastic Free Future with MIW

Working Towards A Plastic Free Future with MIW

Working Towards A Plastic-Free Future with MIW Culligan and the challenge of tackling ocean plastic Did you know that bottled water consumption has doubled in the last 15 years? Or that single-use plastic drinks bottles make up one-third of all the plastic waste found...