Earlier this month the Refill initiative was lucky enough to be given the honourable title for ‘Best Environmental Behaviour Change’.
It wasn’t just the Refill team that were over the moon about winning gold at this years Global Good Awards. Refill’s huge network of supporters, Local Champions and Partners had just as big of a smile. We couldn’t have done it without them.
Global Good Awards began with a personal journey of someone realising how important environmental work is.GGA’s founder and CEO, Karen Sutton found inspiration by what organisations of all sizes are doing in their communities. Not only for their people, for the planet, but also for their bottom line. Karen doesn’t just run an awards programme; she is committed to promoting change.
At Refill, we are strong believers in empowering individuals to create global impact. With such a personal founding story of the Global Good Awards, it wasn’t hard for us to feel at home on their list of nominees.
🎉🎉 Little did we know that we would take home Gold 🎉🎉

Global Good Awards tweets the announcements.
We’d like to thank the organisers at Global Good Awards, Refill’s Programme Manager Gus Hoyt, City to Sea founder Natalie Fee, and all the Refill team. We’d also like to thank all of our wonderful Local Champions and Refill Schemes, and our Partners. We said it before but we will say it again, we couldn’t have done it without you!
We’d also like to extend a huge thank you and applause to all the other amazing organisations that took part in this year’s ceremony. We find a never-ending source of inspiration and enjoyment from the work that you do to fight these important environmental issues we face.