Refill Hathersage

Hathersage is a charming village in the Peak District, which is very popular with walkers, climbers and cyclists, especially during holiday times. Residents care about their village and a lot of people in the community work hard to keep it a nice place. 

Cutting Down on Plastics

We get a lot of walkers who use a lot of single-use plastic bottles, which get left behind and litter the national park, causing an unsightly mess. A Refill Scheme will cut down the use of the plastic bottles and therefore the litter.  Some shops in Hathersage already offer this service to visitors, we just want to extend the scheme and get people generally thinking about the use of plastic. 

If you’re looking to start a Refill Scheme, we’ve got a guide to help you get started.

Everyone is Included

Initially, the refill scheme was started by Sarah Spence and Chris Winfield. The intention is to get other organisations involved for change such as the church and the council. 

Getting involved is easy! 

Get involved easily by contacting Sarah Spence at [email protected] or on Facebook at Zero Waste in the Peak.

If you’ve got a great idea about getting involved in your local scheme, or you want to set up your own Refill Scheme, we’d love to have you on board.

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