Refill Hounslow

Refill Hounslow is an official Refill Destination, run by Hounslow Council. The west London borough became a Refill Destination earlier in 2023 with the aim of promoting the circular economy in the borough, with a particular focus on Heston, a neighbourhood they are working to transform into a demonstrator circular economy neighbourhood.

The future is circular in Heston 

The exciting initiative encourages residents to reuse, refill and repair instead of buying new and volunteers help run regular repair cafés and community growing sessions, which also provide a safe and supportive space for local residents to come together and learn about circular economy and sustainable living.  

Meet Florence, Serena and Aqsa who are helping power the Refill Revolution in Hounslow…. 

Refill Hounslow’s Top Takeaway:

‘Use the app! You’ll never have to buy water again. Bottled water is less filtered and less regulated than tap water and is literally a thousand times the price. Every neighbourhood can become more circular, Refill is a really good first step.’ – Florence Hale, waste and recycling officer at the London Borough of Hounslow.

If you’re looking to start a Refill Scheme, we’ve got a guide to help you get started.

Get Involved:

In Heston, Refill Hounslow is working with the local community to build a space where residents can feel happy and safe and enjoy themselves whilst learning how to live more sustainably – which helps them live healthier and happier lives.

Learn more about Refill Hounslow’s work in Heston here