In these sessions we dive into the vital role that communities play in driving the driving the transition from single-use to reuse – looking at work that’s happening around the world to support and empower communities to make a difference, exploring what we can learn from them, what support is needed, and together reimagining what the future could look like.

panels & talks
People power in action: In concersation with Gwilym Pugh, creator, adventurer and environmental advocate
Community connections panel: Powering action to create lasting change with Jo Morley – Head of Marketing & Campaigns, City to Sea, Macy Zander – Reuse Communities Policy and Engagement Officer at Upstream Solutions, Alejandra Warren – Co-founder and Executive Director, Plastic Free Future, Farima Tidjani – Founder of adansonia.green
Communities 1-2-1: In conversation with Esrat Karim, founder of the Amal foundation
Brilliant stories of success and innovation from communities around the world.

The Global Reuse Summit takes place on World Refill Day – a global day of action to help people live with less waste.

Did you know that City to Sea is a charity too?
City to Sea is proud to bring you the world’s first ‘Global Reuse Summit’ this World Refill Day. Tickets are free but if you are able to, please consider making a suggested donation of £10 so we can continue to make space at the table for those communities who too often are on the side-lines when it comes to discussions on the plastic pollution that they are most impacted by.
(And, if you are a UK taxpayer, your gift will be eligible for Gift Aid, meaning we can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you spend with us, at no extra cost to you!)
Other topics to explore
From brands and businesses, to researchers, campaigners and activists – we heard from leaders in the space, with sessions covering all aspects of the refill and reuse, including global policy, packaging, business innovation, and localised system change. Select a topic below to see the panels, discussions and case studies shared on the day.

