This World Refill Day, we launched the first ‘Global Reuse Summit’ – a digital event for change-makers, business leaders, policy makers and innovators to learn, share and be inspired as we united to drive the transition from single-use to reuse, and tackle the global plastic and climate crisis we currently face.
Hosted LIVE on June 16th, we embarked on a journey to create a shared vision of the future we want and need to see. From brands and businesses, to researchers, campaigners and activists – we heard from leaders in the space, with sessions covering all aspects of the refill and reuse, including global policy, packaging, business innovation, and localised system change.
As a global movement, we have the power to create a wave of change and show the rest of the world that the solutions to plastic pollution and the climate crisis are there – and together we can keep our environment, ocean, and communities plastic-free for the future.
Watch the full summit below or scroll down to dive into specific topics and sessions.
From brands and businesses, to researchers, campaigners and activists – we heard from leaders in the space, with sessions covering all aspects of the refill and reuse, including global policy, packaging, business innovation, and localised system change.
Select a topic below to see the panels, discussions and case studies shared on the day.




Keynote from Von Hernandez – Global Coordinator, Break Free From Plastic
Setting the scene with Natalie Fee and Catherine Conway – Director, Unpackaged Systems Ltd
keynote: Von Hernandez
setting the scene: catherine conway
From brands and businesses, to researchers, campaigners and activists – we heard from leaders in the space, with sessions covering all aspects of the refill and reuse, including global policy, packaging, business innovation, and localised system change. Register to get access to inspirational talks, provocative panels, in-depth workshops and more.
Check our the full programme to find out what happened on the day.
global reuse summit speakers
Find out more about our epic line up of speakers from around the world.

Gwilym Pugh
Creator, Adventurer and Environmental Advocate

sustainability and behaviour change consultant

Stuart Chidley
Co-founder, Beauty Kitchen

Catherine Conway
Director, Unpackaged Systems Ltd.

Von Hernandez
Global Coordinator, Break Free From Plastic

Christina Dixon
Ocean Campaign Leader, Environmental Investigation Agency

George Clark
Project Manager, City to Sea

Samuel Higginson
Head of Food Technology - Marks and Spencer

Natalie Fee
Founder of City to Sea (Global Reuse Summit host)

Steve Fletcher
Director, Global Plastics Policy Centre, University of Portsmouth

Joan Marc Simon
Director Founder, Zero Waste Europe

Macy Zander
Reuse Communities Policy and Engagement Officer at Upstream

Farima Tidjani
Founder of adansonia.green

Dr Magash Naidoo
Head: Circular Development; ICLEI World Secretariat

Jolanda de Rooij
Sustainability lead - Circular Economy

Jack McQuibban
Head of local zero waste implementation, zero waste europe

Matt Littlejohn
Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Oceana

Alejandra Warren
o-Founder and Executive Director, Plastic Free Future

Dilyana Mihaylova
Programme Manager, Plastics Initiative, EMF

Safia Qureshi
Founder and CEO, CLUBZERØ

Matt Kennedy
Founder and CEO, Again

Esrat Karim
Founder and Director at AMAL Foundation

Gayathri Govindarajan
Research Analyst, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Jane martin
Head of development, City to Sea

Helen Clements
Co-founder Unpackaged Systems Ltd

Lara Pohl-Martell
Business Advisor, ReLondon

Nina di Certo
Principal Policy and Programme Officer, GLA

Paula Chin
Senior Policy Advisor, WWF

Robbie Staniforth
Innovation and Policy Director, Ecosurety

Jo Morley
Head of Marketing and Campaigns, City to Sea

Justin Duerden
founder, 51 Degrees North Coffee Company

City to Sea’s Refill Return Cup

Kirsty alexandrer
creative partner hubbub

Patrick Mueller
Owner and CEO, Milk & More

Sheena Brockie
Refill, Jersey

Tiza Mafira
Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik

Kumala Sustano
Hepi Circle

Did you know that City to Sea is a charity too?
City to Sea is proud to bring you the world’s first ‘Global Reuse Summit’ this World Refill Day. Tickets were free but if you are able to, please consider making a suggested donation of £10 so we can continue to make space at the table for those communities who too often are on the side-lines when it comes to discussions on the plastic pollution that they are most impacted by.
(And, if you are a UK taxpayer, your gift will be eligible for Gift Aid, meaning we can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you spend with us, at no extra cost to you!)

The Global Reuse Summit takes place on World Refill Day – a global day of action to help people live with less waste.